Thursday, February 26, 2009

Alan Keys on Obama

For anyone that had not understood yet what's amiss with Obama's 'presidency' and the economic bailouts: Mr. Keys has a very clear way of stating it.
Watch and THINK!
Something's rotten in the state of Washington.
Hat tip: Foehammer.

Friday, February 13, 2009

A UKIP compilation on the matter

The speech Wilders could not give

Thank you for inviting me. Thank you Lord Pearson and Lady Cox for showing Fitna, and for your gracious invitation. While others look away, you, seem to understand the true tradition of your country, and a flag that still stands for freedom.

This is no ordinary place. This is not just one of England’s tourist attractions. This is a sacred place. This is the mother of all Parliaments, and I am deeply humbled to speak before you.

The Houses of Parliament is where Winston Churchill stood firm, and warned – all throughout the 1930’s – for the dangers looming. Most of the time he stood alone.

In 1982 President Reagan came to the House of Commons, where he did a speech very few people liked. Reagan called upon the West to reject communism and defend freedom. He introduced a phrase: ‘evil empire’. Reagan’s speech stands out as a clarion call to preserve our liberties. I quote: If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly.

What Reagan meant is that you cannot run away from history, you cannot escape the dangers of ideologies that are out to destroy you. Denial is no option.

Communism was indeed left on the ash heap of history, just as Reagan predicted in his speech in the House of Commons. He lived to see the Berlin Wall coming down, just as Churchill witnessed the implosion of national-socialism.

Today, I come before you to warn of another great threat. It is called Islam. It poses as a religion, but its goals are very worldly: world domination, holy war, sharia law, the end of the separation of church and state, the end of democracy. It is not a religion, it is a political ideology. It demands your respect, but has no respect for you.

There might be moderate Muslims, but there is no moderate Islam. Islam will never change, because it is build on two rocks that are forever, two fundamental beliefs that will never change, and will never go away. First, there is Quran, Allah’s personal word, uncreated, forever, with orders that need to be fulfilled regardless of place or time. And second, there is al-insal al-kamil, the perfect man, Muhammad the role model, whose deeds are to be imitated by all Muslims. And since Muhammad was a warlord and a conqueror we know what to expect.

Islam means submission, so there cannot be any mistake about it’s goal. That’s a given. The question is whether the British people, with its glorious past, is longing for that submission.
Read it all on Het Vrije Volk

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Geert Wilders banned from the UK

Today the unthinkable has happened: a Dutch MP, invited to the UK by a member of the House of Lords, has been denied entrance to to the UK when following up on that invitation. All because Gordon Brown's dhimmy government is afraid of threats uttered by Lord Ahmed (instated by that other dhimmy of sorts, Tony Blair), that he would organise riots by 10.000 muslims should Wilders be allowed to show his film Fitna. The BBC reports that "Wilders wanted to show" his film, while the truth is that Wilders had been invited to show his film by the UK Independence Party. Subtle difference, is it not, Mr. Goebbels?

Think about it: a western MP, denied the right to visit a peer EU country by that country's government, only because of islamic threats. Although there have been numerous indications of the abject manner in which Brown cowardly bends towards islamic demands, there has never before been a clearer statement that the UK has surrendered to the status of a Saudi colony: submission, the prime incentive of Islam, and also the title of the film Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh made with Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

We all know how that ended: Theo was killed and Ayaan was expelled from The Netherlands. She is still fighting the Dutch government over promises related who'd be paying for her protection.

UKIP peer Lord Pearson of Rannoch made a very true but sad statement:
"Indeed, any alleged threats associated with Lord Ahmed of attempts to prevent the showing of the film would themselves be a confirmation of the film's message and the need for it to be shown. The subsequent action by the Home Office to try to deter Mr Wilders from coming to the UK has, we believe, been rightly condemned by the Dutch Foreign Minister, and is a further example of the appeasement policies of the British government in giving in to the threats of militant Islam."
He and cross-bencher Baroness Cox also issued a press statement, asking this rhetorical question:
"Would this have happened if Mr Wilders had said 'Ban the Bible'?"
Of course not! All this was yesterday, when Brown's government had warned they would not allow Wilders into the country. Nevertheless, Wilders went ("I already have that ticket, so I might as well go") and was indeed denied entrance.

Given the very weak response of the Dutch government (which issued a "serious complaint") it does not really seem to care too much, most of its members despise Mr. Wilders anyway. I would think this matter requires a slightly stiffer response than just saying "Phew".

After the death of Free Speech in The Netherlands this is a new serious blow for western freedom and values in general and European lifestyle specifically.

See this link (pdf alert) for the letter Geert received on expressing his intention to accept the UKIP invitation (hat tip: Het Vrije Volk).

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gregorius Nekschot speeches in Denmark

For the first time since his being imprisoned for practicing Free Speech, Dutch cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot sought publicity by speeching in Denmark, on invitation from Lars Hedegaard, president of the Danish Free Press Society. To maintain his anonymity, Nekschot spoke while dressed in, how fittingly, a niqaab. From his speech:

In the Netherlands, satire is an old tradition. This tradition began seven centuries ago, in the thirteenth century, with the epic poem Reynaerd ‘the Fox’. The poem Reynaerd ‘the Fox’ ridiculed nobility and clergy – the highest civil and religious authorities of that era. The author must have been a wise man, he managed to keep his identity a secret. Monty Python’s movie Life of Brian pokes fun at Christianity. The movie stirred up anger and controversy in 1979. Nevertheless, the movie could be watched almost everywhere. The makers, Terry Jones, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle and Michael Palin received neither death sentences nor did the Public Prosecutor lift them from their beds and put them behind bars.

These two fairly random examples illustrate that in Western Europe, religion – in the cases mentioned Christianity – has been ridiculed for ages. First this was done anonymously or under pseudonym, later openly. In Western culture, rationalism, science, humanism and democracy, in a lengthy and painful process, created the separation between Church and State. Freedom of Speech became a constitutional right in many countries. Thus, ridiculing Christianity, without fear of losing one’s life, has been possible for quite some time.

When large numbers of migrants with a different cultural and religious background came to Western Europe, things fundamentally changed. Poorly educated – and without exception raised under dictatorial regimes – a lot of immigrants with an Islamic background cannot agree to our separation between religion and politics, no matter how self-evident this separation appears to us.

Monty Python makes fun of Jesus in Life of Brian. A comparable movie about the life of Mohammed – the founder of Islam – is out of the question. The dreadful fate of film director Theo van Gogh says it all. The horrible and sadistic manner in which Theo van Gogh was ritually slaughtered by a fanatical Muslim meant a return to the Dark Ages for the Netherlands as far as the freedom of speech is concerned. Anyone who has the urge to say something about Islam has to do so most carefully.

On May the 13th of the year 2008, however, the cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot was dragged out of his house by ten civil servants and thrown into jail. Moreover, his home was searched and his computer, mobile telephone, agenda and sketchbooks were confiscated. Cartoons that allegedly discriminated against ethnic minorities and against Muslims caused captivity and a far-reaching infringement of his privacy. Such is the state of affairs in the Netherlands, a country which until recently, was seen as broad-minded, ‘free-thinking’, and enjoying a satirical tradition of more than seven centuries.

Read the full speech, with some photographs and a clip from the introduction by Lars Hedegaard, on